Maintenance of Certification

Welcome to the OneFlorida Clinical Research Consortium Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Part IV training site. This site is designed for clinicians to earn MOC Part IV credit through Canvas training modules, either as part of OneFlorida research studies or independently. This site is open to anyone seeking MOC credit, though different restrictions apply depending on the participant’s institution. Note that there is a fee for participants not from a OneFlorida institution and not participating in a OneFlorida research study. For more information, please contact

Participants will need to be added to the Canvas course in order to navigate beyond this page. Research study participants will be added automatically, while all others need to notify the MOC team of their intent to enroll in a specific course. Please bookmark this page for future use, as it will be your point-of-entry into the course.

Please select your affiliation to get started:

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